Live Zoom Meeting Every Tuesday. 
Get Started Today!


What if you could get more of what you want in half the time? 

How would your life be different if you finally cleared the money blocks that have been holding you back?

What if you had a weekly community of friends and cheerleaders to suppport you in reaching your goals?

Get the breakthrough you have been looking for using the PRISM Life Design techniques found only inside this unique community based transformational program.

Finally, Free Yourself from The Shackles of Your Faulty Money Beliefs!
Experience True Success, Happiness, and the Wealth You Have Dreamed!
This is the Breakthrough You Have Been Looking For!

Have you ever wondered what would have to happen for you to have true success in one of the big quadrants in your life... Career, Money, Love, or Health?

The answer has to do with changing your internal thoughts, beliefs, and ultimately taking different action consistently. Our unique system of mental fitness strategies is the key to retraining your brain to achieve more success in less time.


This program is self-paced and has weekly LIVE community meetings to support you in your mission and to make lasting changes in your life with more joy and purpose.

This is a series of live classes, a unique daily process, and access to live trainers specifically designed to install successful habits and wealthy belief systems. Start modeling the most successful and genuinely happy people in the world. What's more... most students have a big money breakthrough within weeks of starting the program.

Bart Baggett and his team of Mental Fitness Trainers have been helping people experience deep change for a combined 50 years. When Bart first published the best-selling book, The Success Secrets of the Rich & Happy, he recognized some readers would benefit from a more personal touch.  Bart and his team of trainers have developed this "fast and effective" program offering a hands-on experience to fully embrace the ideas and concepts inside the book. It will certainly help you discover your own unique 'life purpose' and provides a step-by-step system to quickly rewire your brain for more success and deeper fulfillment!
This program will give you the personal touch and guidance that even the best self-help books could never provide you.  If you want to stop the guesswork and begin creating a new and better version of yourself.... this LIFE DESIGN LIVE program is for you.

We will help you learn 7-10 new 'habit forming' daily activities that break the cycle of frustration and disappointment which will result in more happiness, joy, money, and freedom.
Fast & Fun Self-Paced Course
This program is the most complete and up-to-date Mental Fitness Training. It focuses on removing obstacles, and tuning into having MORE MONEY, MORE JOY, and MORE FULFILLMENT in your life!
Access To Live Trainers
Join us live on the Zoom video platform weekly. Receive hands-on support from The International Mental Fitness Team of Certified PRISM Life Design Consultants in the USA, Australia, UK, and India.
Develop New Daily Habits
Align your goals with your deepest values and get clear on you mission statement. You will be installing better beliefs around money that will completely change your ability to attract, keep, and build wealth.
Optimize Your Succes 
With A Daily Routine
The Level One Life Design Series is an exciting journey into your unique personality, core values, and life purpose which allows you to customize a daily routine that works for you. This has way more to offer than just an on-line video series where our experts talk at you in a one-way conversation.
Far From Another New-Age Manifestation Course
Some people confuse this program with life coaching or positive thinking.
 This is far from the basic "law of attraction" methodolgy.  There is nothing wrong with manifestation... but this is something different; more tangible, more trackable, more pro-active. You will experience success in action with this training!
Install Successful Habits, 
Beliefs, & Decisions
This "fast track" course extracted the most useful tools from the six month PRISM Life Design Certification Training. Its been compressed into the shortest possible time to make some deep changes and begin seeing results quickly. Learn the foundations for successful habits, beliefs, and decisions that you will need to sieze opportunities and craft a long-term plan.
So, it's going to be a magnificant journey for you. Just to be fair, if you think investing a few hours a week into any program is going to make you rich overnight, you are mistaken. We can help you build the foundation and make tremendous progress in just a few weeks.  We want you to experience deep change and financial windfalls...just like all our previous students. But, money fails to solve all of your problems.  You will have much more clarity of focus, make better decisions, reduce anxiety, and have a level of emotional freedom that you will cherish! How does that sound?

In the coming months, you can "reach for stars" and you will see the results in your bank account, your relationships will flourish, and you will see tangible results in your career.
The program is created in six modules and most students complete the course in under 8 weeks. However, you unlimited access to the live zoom office hours access to make sure you get the most out of your course enrollment and terrific support along the way. We think you will love the community so much... you will stay for years. 
We help you customize these tools so they are exclusively tailored to you, your life, your brain, and your dream outcomes.

Once you understand the basics of your tools and have mastered the foundation, you will begin your Mental Fitness Workout 30 Day Challenge

These daily exercises are used to install new beliefs and make deep neuro-changes in just a few minutes a day.

The daily deep Neural Coding exercises will change your thinking permanently. Once installed, your unconscious mind is conditioned to help you succeed in new and better ways.

We believe you should live your life on your terms and there is never any rush to complete the program in a specific amount of time. You get to decide and if life happens, you can get back on track at any time.
Our classes are ongoing and our training website is here for you at your convenience 24/7. You could even start this month and finish in three months if "life happens" and gets in the way of your available time.
Your tuition covers all the modules in the course in this "level one" core program. Strengthen each category in your life and experience satisfaction on an entirely new level! It's always a good time to level up!

Designing Your Relationship Funnel
Building connection and trust with prospective clients is key to success. You will learn how to design your perfect "Relationship Funnel" to help and educate your prospects and give them a chance to know, like and trust you. You will know how to design either a "low tech" or a "high tech" funnel that will result in frequent initial consultations with people likely to want to coach with you.  
Scipting Your Initial Consultations
We will teach you the exact way to enroll clients quickly without selling or being pushy while feeling authentic and generous through the whole process. We will provide you with templates and individualized help to to create a wonderful "initial consultation" that creates a lot of value for your prospect. We will even role play with you to get really good at it so that it feels easy and natural to invite qualified prospects into your program.  
Your Signature Coaching Program
Successful coaches do not offer one-off coaching sessions. Successful coaches provide powerful, transformational 3-6 month coaching programs that their ideal clients love. We help you develop your unique, high-ticket, core coaching program tailored for your ideal client that will help them achieve the outcomes they most desire. You will learn the best practices for successfully crafting and enrolling clients into your unique program.

Crafting Persuasive Copy for Your Funnel
We will provide you worksheets, templates and examples for the best copywriting for all of your marketing materials, and we will also coach you and even help you edit all of your materials! You tell us about the mission of your coaching business and your audience, and we will work with you to craft effective marketing language for your lead magnet, offers and follow-up email... all tailored to be resonant with your ideal coaching clients. 

Dialing In Your Marketing Automation
Automating your marketing pages and email follow-up is the key to attracting qualified leads and coaching clients. We will help you select each component of your platform (landing pages, email, webinar platform, etc.) and coach you to make make sure they integrate together properly. This can save you a ton of time and money by avoiding trial and error, and can hugely decrease your advertising/lead generation cost.

Your Self-Funding Advertising Campaign
We will help you create a winning traffic campaign with the goal of "self-funding advertising" as quickly as humanly possible using Facebook ads. Setting up your advertising campaign can be overwhelming (and risky) to "go it alone." We'll help you design and create a self-funding advertising campaign to bring a constant stream of new prospects into your appointment funnel.  


As of June 2024, we are no longer charging the retail price of $1500 for admission. You can get full instant access for under $97.  Just click here and join the Life Design Academy and get the entire course for free. 

Module One: 
Prism Life Design Questionnaire & Assessment
We begin this life design module diving into the depths of your unconscious mind, exploring various aspects of your personality such as your strengths and core values. This assessment is a unique opportunity for introspection and soul-searching, as it invites you to delve into your own inner self-talk and gain a deeper understanding of yourself.

By completing this assessment, you begin to access clarity on what fulfills you and how to invest your time and energy in living in your personal "zone." Discovering and aligning with your true passions and purpose can be a catalyst for abundance, as money naturally flows to those who live in their own money "zone." Get ready to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and unlock the secrets of your unconscious mind to create a life that resonates with your deepest desires and aspirations.
Module Two: 
Core Values & Developing A Mission Statement
Prepare for a life-altering experience as you embark on this profound module. By asking the right questions, you will uncover the core values and key ingredients that are most important to you in life. This enlightening "ah-ha" moment will forever change your perspective on the world. The module is designed to empower you, allowing you to make decisions with true confidence and clarity.

Once you have identified your values, you will have the ability to create a mission statement that resonates deeply with you. This mission statement will serve as a guiding force, providing the energy and focus you need to stay on track and achieve your goals. Get ready to harness the true power within you and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Module Three: 
Life Boarding & The 4 Quadrants
In this program, we will delve into the art of maintaining a balanced life and explore the exhilarating adventure sport of life boarding. We will take a comprehensive look at the various key areas of your life and examine the impact of both negative and positive aspects on your overall well-being. By conducting a thorough inventory, you will gain valuable insights into how these factors shape your life.
Module Four: 
The Power of Questions
In this module, you will discover the immense power of questions and how they shape your internal dialogue, ultimately influencing the quality of your life. Gain a deep understanding of how your RAS (Reticular Activating System) functions and how it actively seeks evidence in the world around you. Explore the profound connection between your emotions, perspective, and the reality you are currently experiencing.

With this newfound awareness, you will unlock the ability to choose and ask empowering "magic questions" that ignite your personal power. These questions will help you tap into your inner potential and create a reality that aligns with your desires. Prepare for epiphanies and revelations that will transform the way you navigate your life, giving you the tools to shape your reality and unlock your true potential.
Module Five: 
Your Unconscious Mind & Roadblocks
This module will delve into the depths of your unconscious mind and explore the fascinating world of personality traits. Through a comprehensive personality assessment, you will uncover the correlation between your unconscious mind and your behaviors. Gain valuable insights into your unique personality traits that may have been previously hidden from your awareness.

By taking a short quiz, you will not only discover your strengths, which can empower your path to success, but also identify any roadblocks that might be hindering your progress. Armed with this newfound self-awareness, you will have the power to choose how to leverage your strengths and overcome any obstacles that stand in your way. Get ready to unlock the potential within you and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Module Six: 
The Daily Journal. 30 Days to Deep Neural Coding and Lasting Change
Now that you have acquired these fascinating new tools, it's time to put them into action and witness the transformative changes they can bring to your everyday life. By dedicating just a small portion of your day, you will experience what may initially appear as almost magical transformations in your real-world experiences.

This module is specifically designed to help you start each day with a positive mindset and live a purpose-driven life. Extensive research has shown that establishing a solid routine not only improves productivity and reduces stress, but also enhances focus, boosts physical and mental well-being, and cultivates a profound sense of accomplishment.

Consistently following a routine paves the way for developing positive habits. As you repeat certain behaviors regularly, they become ingrained in your daily existence, requiring less conscious effort. This aspect proves particularly valuable when establishing habits like exercise, meditation, reading, or acquiring new skills.

Get ready to embrace the power of routine and unlock the potential within you. By implementing these practices consistently, you will witness the transformative impact they can have on your life, enabling you to live each day with intention and purpose. Embrace this opportunity to create positive change and seize the extraordinary life that awaits you.
Using an immersive learning environment, you will learn using all your senses.  We offer live zoom sessions, video lectures, and the Daily Deep Neural Coding Journal, you can install new habits in as little as 21-30 days using our proprietary installation methods and daily journal. These new habits result in increased joy, more money, better health and wellness, and much more.

You can adjust and change core beliefs through a few minutes a day of mental fitness conditioning. And, it is much faster and easier than conditioning your physical body at the gym.  (Bonus: You will never sweat or pull a muscle.)

The methodology is called Life Design’s Deep Neural Conditioning. We systematically evaluate and change the deep core programs which have been guiding your decisions all these years.

Through a series of questions, inquiry, daily habits, and tools… you can break through the limiting beliefs of your past and program your mind to work for you, instead of against you. 

These faulty programs can be erased and replaced with a little bit of daily effort which takes under 10 minutes a day.

We’ve created such a system. It’s called the PRISM Life Design program. The foundational tools are taught in what we call “The Breakthrough” Level One Program. 

This introductory program allows you to start using many of the PRISM Life Design tools and feel the results without a long commitment and at a super affordable investment of time and money.

Your live sessions are hosted by trainers who support you in building mental fitness principals and life maps. This helps you consistently achieve more, live happier, and find a career, and life of purpose with meaning. The tools you learn this month will stay with you for years.

PRISM stands for:
 Purpose, Relationships, Identify, Success and Meaning.  
To live each day “on purpose”, you must first retrain your brain to quickly, and reframe negative thoughts in order to stay focused on what matters most to you. You choose what you value most and you decide how to move from where you are to where you want to be.  We help you turn you unconscious mind into your biggest cheerleader... instead of a nagging self-deprecating enemy. 
  • You will experience a state of joy and appreciation.
  • You will focus on goals that align with your deepest values.
  • ​You will retrain your brain to redirect the negative talk and think in positive outcomes.
  • ​You will ask empowering and well structured questions.
  • ​You will build new daily habits that form the foundation of a happy day, every day. 
You will figure out what your core values really are… what experiences bring you the most joy and fulfillment, and align your activities with your BIG GOALS with those values.

When you do this inner work correctly…. work becomes play and motivation becomes second nature. Your unconscious mind simply “pulls you toward” those actions and people that will help you along the journey.  You will find that big financial path that helps you have more fulfillment, build a foundation of wealth, and of course... have more money now and in the future. 

Please choose to join us and start living your life on your terms!
This "fast track" Level One course built by taking the most effective tools inside the year-long PRISM Life Design Certification Training.  We compressed these tools into the shortest possible time to make the most important deep changes and begin seeing results in your life within the first week.  As you already know, small changes today can reap long term life changes tomorrow.  We will help you install daily habits which will make it fun and easy to maintain progress in effective thoughts and habits which will pay compound interest over time. This is the foundation for those successful habits, beliefs, and decisions that you will need to seize those opportunities and craft a long-term plan for more money, love, success and health. 
Bart and his instructors host these workshops multiple times each month in multiple time zones. This entire course takes 4-6 weeks.  This will be not just the happiest month of your life but will set a new blueprint for making each month more fulfilling and more joyous than the last. 

In these sessions, there are usually between 5-20 participants. So sometimes you will get 1:1 support with the instructor and other times there will be other people joining you. You will be inspired by meeting other people from around the globe in the program working on the same step in the process that you are working on. They can offer you helpful ideas and feedback. If you ever need more intensive one-on-one support, that is available as well.

This format allows you to get high-value individualized coaching very inexpensively.  You will also be introduced and coached by more than one Mental Fitness PRISM Certified Life Design Consultant.  
Each step in the process comes with specific worksheets (tools) to help you progress quickly and easily. The books, worksheets, templates, workbooks, and journals are downloadable and printable.

We help dozens of people a month go through this process, so we can really accelerate your results using our proven tools, worksheets, and templates.  Over the past 2 decades, Bart has taken hundreds of people through these processes in live seminars, so the results and methodology is proven to work. 
Each step in the process has a video tutorial that explains the key concepts and introduces you to the steps and the tool/template you will use to complete that step. The videos are designed to be short and fast-moving (averaging about 4-10 minutes per tutorial).  We recommend watching the video tutorials before you attend the live workshop relating to that topic. 

You can watch the video tutorials anytime, anywhere. They look as good on a tablet or smartphone as on your computer or even your big-screen HDTV. 

After you watch the tutorial, you can come to the specific class module to get help moving through the content of the module and get help customizing it to you.   You use the live workshops to get individualized help completing that step in the process. 
Bart and his team of Mental Fitness Trainers host special "open office hours" multiple times each month in multiple time zones. This entire Level One course takes just 4-6 weeks.  This course will be the catalyst to your happiest month of your life and also will set a new blueprint for making each month more fulfilling and joyous than the last. 

In these "open office" sessions, there are usually between 5-20 participants. So sometimes you will get 1:1 support with the instructor and other times there will be other people joining you. You will be encouraged by other people's wins from around the globe, who are also going through the program. They can offer you helpful ideas and feedback. If you ever need more intensive one-on-one support, that is available as well.

This format allows you to get high-value individualized coaching very inexpensively.  You will also be introduced and trained by more than one Mental Fitness PRISM Certified Life Design Consultant.  
Each step in the process comes with specific worksheets (tools) to help you progress quickly and easily. The books, worksheets, templates, workbooks, and journals are downloadable and printable.

We help dozens of people a month go through this process, so we can really accelerate your results using our proven tools, worksheets, and templates.  Over the past 2 decades, Bart has taken hundreds of people through these processes in live seminars, so the results and methodology is proven to work. 
Each step in the process has a video tutorial that explains the key concepts and introduces you to the steps and the tool/template you will use to complete that step. The videos are designed to be short and fast-moving (averaging about 4-10 minutes per tutorial).  We recommend watching the video tutorials before brining your homework to the "open office hours"

You can watch the video tutorials anytime, anywhere. They look as good on a tablet or smartphone as on your computer or even your big-screen HDTV. 

After you watch the tutorial, you can come to the "open office hours" to get help moving through the content of the module and get help customizing it to you.   You use the live "offic hours" to get individualized help completing that step in the process. 
Brett, The tools and perspectives, along with the community you've developed are a real godsend for coaches like me who have something to offer, but didn't quite how how to offer it. Your business and marketing teaching and tools have really helped me. Thank you!

- Gord Theo, Leadership and organizational coach and consultant
Brett and his team are so incredibly generous with their illuminating training and business-grounding tools. Very essential process/systems support for those of us with big dreams who want to help people and positively impact the planet. And he has surrounded himself with an awesome community of like-minded people to work with. If you want more conscious business success, I highly recommend Brett's coaching and programs. 

- Susan Lucci, Human Development Coach and Facilitator
I have had the opportunity to work with Brett and his team for a while in several capacities. He is one of the best conscious coaches/consultants I have ever met. Heartfully generous, kind yet provocative, transformational yet very practical. His integral way of seeing the world and teaching is invaluable. I highly recommend working with him and his team... you will not be disappointed.

- Gilles Brouillette, Ph.D., President of the Transformational Learning Institute, Director of the Conscious and Transformational Leadership Program 
Brett's business coaching and mentorship has been enormous time saver and confidence builder! I quickly learned what I didn't know and needed to look into. I got instant feedback from Brett and his team as to the best choices for outsourcing, technology, hosting, etc. A huge blessing because each investigation could have taken me days and still have been a gamble. I used many of the excellent materials offered to us to structure my thinking around the business and really drill down into what was important. The tools provided was amazing and the coaching and consulting was very focused. 

- Lynn Royster, PhD., Integral Consultant and Coach

Steph Stuer

Steph is a Mental Fitness Trainer with a diverse background in real estate and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). Growing up in north Texas, Steph was immersed in the world of real estate through her parents' businesses. Inspired by her brother's handwriting seminars early on, she discovered NLP Learning Systems and was intrigued by Jan Marszalek's unique approach to communication.

After dedicating 10 years to studying the mind and NLP, Stephanie obtained her Master Practitioner certification. This transformative journey coincided with her completion of her brother's PRISM Life Design course, which revolutionized her own life transition. Motivated by her personal growth, Steph embraced her calling as a Mental Fitness Trainer, helping others transform their lives and tap into their full potential. Steph's expertise in NLP propelled her success in real estate, where she conquered over 700 hours of real estate education and earned her broker's license in just two years. Her commitment to living an inspirational life while building wealth and cherishing life's precious moments has made her a respected leader in her field. Stephanie has been featured on HGTV's "My First Place" and WFAA's "Good Morning Texas," showcasing her skills and techniques.

With a passion for empowering individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery, Stephanie guides them in calibrating their internal and external worlds for significant personal growth. Her belief in the power of imagination and intentional exploration drives her mission to help others navigate life's transitional periods with resilience and create extraordinary outcomes. 

Bart Baggett

Bart Baggett published his first book at age 23 and has traveled the world speaking from the stage, appearing on TV & radio, and feature films.
Bart is a TV and podcast personality, published author, speaker, handwriting expert, producer, and actor. Living in Los Angeles, CA, he manages amazing people who work in his companies which allow him to pursue his more creative interests... such as conducting seminars, writing, teaching, and hosting trainings which change lives worldwide. He is most well known for his books The Magic Question and Success Secrets of the Rich & Happy. He co-created the PRISM Life Design Certification course in 2018 and has been working hand-in-hand with his team of trainers refining the program. He has an expert on transformational mental fitness, personal development, authors, film & TV appearances , world travel, and even stand-up comedy.

If you want to be mentored by someone who has created a life of adventure, love, passion, and joy... you might want to hang out with Bart on these live trainings!
Bart Baggett Headshot

Pooja Saran

Pooja is a Clinical Hypnotherapist (RTT, UK and EKAA, India), NLP Trainer (ABNLP), Emotional Intelligence Coach and a Trainer - Handwriting Analysis (Handwriting University International-USA).
Her mission towards mental wellness started, during her training career in companies like Pepsi, Emirates, Times of India and Damac Properties (UAE), she started noticing that the major cause of stress and emotional conflicts are deeply rooted in childhood or upbringing. Leaving lucrative career aside, she started working with schools, where she could see kids under stress too. Eyes filled with anxiety, unknown fears, worry and a lot of confusion. She realized this confused childhood will lead to Chaotic Teenage to Messy Youth and then Struggling Adult and a life full of stress and emotional conflicts.
She committed herself to make kids and adolescents emotionally aware, strong and confident to handle life from foundation years. Her mission of empowering children took her from schools to colleges, from colleges to offices and inside the homes and relationships, as a therapist. Her curiosity turned into research, analyzing handwriting, understanding how the mind works, learning to deal with deep-rooted issues with Emotional Intelligence. Today she is a successful Hypnotherapist, a Trainer - Handwriting Analysis and an Emotional Intelligence Coach training trainers and professionals globally. She has worked with thousands of kids, teachers, trainers, executives contributing to strengthening the roots.

Her work has been featured by Femina National Editions (Mental Health Section), YMCA Magazines and other news editions. Her work has also been recognised by UK Health Radio.
She is the author of 3 books “Signature-Red Alert” Book on Signature Analysis, and “15 Minute Journal for Growing up T.A.C.T “The Aware and Competent Tribe” (Curriculum Book for her signature program TACT) for adolescents.
"I just love the way Steph coaches and answers questions. She has such an advanced knowledge of NLP and language. It is such a pleasure to have her teach her tools for living.
It is a real treat to be in her live Zoom classes. 

This PRISM course was so delightful. I just love making my life better and better. My life was not broken... I just love learning tools to make it more vibrant and filled with joy. 

This course teaches things I didn't even know I needed to know. I recommend it to everyone. "

Ana Gomez Firstl
Dallas, Texas, USA
I was and still am amazed at what my brain is capable of doing, how my actions/past experiences have really shaped my habits. I didn’t expect for my eyes to be opened THAT much. Also, I learnt things about myself that initially shocked me, but now having simmered on the results, make sense about myself. I’m really looking forward to another session! You were patient and I didn’t feel ‘judged’ by some of the responses I gave you. It helped me open up and be more honest with myself.

- Michelle Tereki. UK
The retail price of this program is $1500.

For a Limited Time
Enroll Now and get over $3000 worth of bonus items.

Have Questions?
Telephone USA +1 469-998-2068  Steph
India +91 974 501 1322   Pooja

Why Invest into the NLP Certification course?

Most of our students and fans have heard about “NLP” and really want to “get certified”. However, who has time to take 2 weeks off to spend 8 hours a day in a hotel room mastering these techniques? It’s a lot of material which will instantly translate into your own personal life and you can apply it directly to your business. NLP is the science of language, thoughts, motivations, and change.  

Because of the time-intensity of traditional USA based Certification programs, we have structured a “at-home” program built around your busy lifestyle. Yes, you still get every minute of the 50-hour live training curriculum… but you can take these class on your schedule over 3-12 months if you want. No hurry. No deadline. What’s more, with each module your mastery of the PRISM Life Design techniques will increase exponentially . 

The truth is, no matter how well you master the knowledge found in any NLP course, you have to apply it into your own life in a structured way in small pieces to see lasting change. This is the reason we create the PRISM Breakthrough course. The combination of the self and group-coaching, the clarity of understanding you deepest values, daily happiness journal, and your customized 6-minute mediation will be the fastest and most profound personal transformational experience you have ever had. The knowledge of NLP simply makes the PRISM program and process work better and faster. Plus, the knowledge of both programs will be part of your language and daily habits for the rest of your life. 

Once you learn the Life Design and NLP mental techniques, you can never unlearn them. They are tools for excellence for life. 
Get Enrolled Today! 
Visit the community on SKOOL and sign up today.


"The first session was amazing.I could actually reframe my core values and beliefs which I thought were correct or never had such close look at them.He actually made me think deep on each area of my life and helped me figure out where I need to improve.I liked the concept of the life mission statement because before this never thought of having it. Now it feels so clear to have a vision of life. Now I know what my ultimate aim in life is."

-Sonam A.Thakur , India
"First, let me say how amazed I was by how accurate the results were. I did not expect that at all! I loved the way the whole assessment was set out and it was not difficult. I think they way in which the assessment was conducted was very professional. I found this to be very useful and of great value to help me move forward in the future ."

-Briggetta Baker, UK
"During the PRISM life coaching session about the 'Life Mission Statement'', I was blown away. This was intriguing to me as I had never heard of this before; not for a life purpose anyway, but usually just for a business. It makes you realize that your life is your business no matter what! I highly recommend this program to anyone who wants to get guidance on their mission and their True North direction. Now I get to read my Mission Statement everyday and it makes it easy to stay focused on my personal values and purpose. It's been very empowering and I am excited to see what other changes we will make with this unique coaching program. Thank you!"

-Kathleen , USA 
"I initially took the Prism life design program to explore a new technology to market my services. It turned out to be the most profound self-help program for me! The career growth I had been seeking for the past 6 years was generated in just 6 months! The self-assessment and clear cut vision removed my mental block and I was able to see, feel and enjoy the exponential growth in my career. I am a Handwriting University Mentor and was only able to enroll 3 students in the last 5 years. After completing this course, I was able to enroll 6 students in just 3 months! I've had incredible results in such a short span of time. I literally tripled my income! Apart from my career, my relationship with my family also blossomed and I am sharing more happy and fun time with them. Now, I am working on my health and achieving great success in it. Its motivating me and I would highly recommend this to anyone who wants to see great and magical changes in their life."

– Nidhi Gupta, Singapore
"It has been nearly 5 years since I left a toxic relationship and started a painful and expensive divorce. I began taking the PRISM Life Design course shortly after the separation. The tools and resources the program offered me were exactly what I needed. It taught me how to focus on getting out of the deep dark hole I was in (instead of sinking deeper and darker) and how to keep my eye on the prize with healthy practices. I was able to take a microscopic look at different parts of my world and easily determine what I needed to strengthen in order to build a better future for me and my daughter. Fast forward, two years later and I can honestly say I am living the best version of myself, right now! It's awesome to look back at my notes and enhancement exercises I implemented and see how much I've overcome and how much victory and joy I have in my life. Every area in my life is better than ever! I have never felt as mentally and emotionally fit as I do today and I am confident in my abilities to achieve and sustain greatness!"

-Stephanie Stuer
Current Instructor: Previous Student
 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

 Do I have to complete the program in under six weeks?

No. You can take the foundational video modules on your own schedule. Then, when you have the foundational material ready, you can move into the 30-Day Journal when you feel you are ready. You watch any module more than once to be sure your values, mission statement, and core PRISM blueprint are unique to you. We recommend doing the Daily Journal consecutively for 30 days. However, many people take a bit longer and that is okay. Most students finish the entire program in under 12 weeks.

 Is it exactly 60 days? Is that the same for everyone? If it takes me longer to finish certain steps, can I do it at my own pace?

8 weeks is the average. You are welcome to spend longer on certain sections. Take as long as you need in the first few steps to get it right so that your 30-Day Journal and Deep Neuro-Conditioning will be most effective. We will not rush you. Our live "open office hours" happen frequently, so you can join a session that fits your schedule. This package gives you three months access to the live zoom calls and lifetime access to the video course and bonus items. 

 Will there be weekly coaching sessions during my time zone?

We offer "open office hours" at various times during the program. We have participants in India, North America, Europe/Scandinavia, India, Australia, New Zealand, Africa, and the Middle East. The  "Open Office Hours" is open to all participants and is the place to get that additional personal attention you can't get from a video online training alone. This "catch-all" weekly meetings are optional.  Here, you to get questions answered and get input on your work if you need more clarification.  There are many opportunities to connect, get coaching, and connect with the tribe of other PRISM Life Design clients around the world... including our private Facebook group.

 What if I have questions or need any additional guidance or direction at a later date?

Absolutely! This is PRISM Life Design Level One Breakthrough Level One. It is our plan that you find the tools and changes so powerful, you will want to move onto level 2 and even consider becoming Certified in this Life Design Mental Fitness methodology. The full curriculum and many tools are available to create long and lasting change are plentiful and impossible to deliver all in a short 8-week introductory program. Once you complete the level one program, we invite you to have a conversation with any of our PRISM Certified Life Design consultants about how you can continue to work with us to create and expand your vision for your life and business. You might even be inspired to join our team of PRISM Life Design Mental Fitness Trainers and work with us worldwide to help more people live their lives to their fullest vision.

 What if I have already taken the PRISM Breakthrough program or I am already certified in the PRISM Life Design?

We believe everyone can benefit from this program and would love  you to come back and be part of our volunteer Life Design Trainers or apply for a paid teaching position.  Contact our international headquarters.

 When are the live classes so I can get my questions answered?

We now have weekly "open office hours" to supplement the video based training.  We have both Indian and USA faculty teaching in English. The PRISM life design "open office hours" are set up on a schedule which satisfies most of the students from around the world.  We will publish the schedule based on each group's special requests and time zones.  We attempt to accommodate everyone.

 Are the live zoom sessions recorded if I miss one?

No, the "open office hours" are highly personal, so they will not be published so your privacy is protected.  While the staff does record them, they are used only for internal training and quality control only. 

 Is there a money-back guarantee?

Of course, if you do the work and attend 100% of the classes and you are not deeply satisfied, then, of course, you can have a full refund. However, if you purchase and never watch a video or never attend a class... you cannot get a refund, but we will allow you to re-enroll in a later session up to one year from the purchase date. The program only works if you commit to attending and do the work.

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© 2023 PRISM Life Design 
This course is offered by Bart Baggett International in partnership with
Mental Fitness Mastery and PRISM Life Design
15233 Ventura Blvd Floor 5, Los Angeles, CA 91403

If you have any questions regarding products, or pricing, or just need help with your purchase:
Call our International Headquarters with any questions about products here:
Course Enrollment & Sales: +1 469-998-2068    
+91 974 501 1322 for Pooja in India, Standard Time. INDIA (speaks Hindi, too) This is an SMS-friendly number.